The third edition of the World Reconstruction Conference (WRC3) will strengthen the discourse on recovery in a changing world, with a focus on the growing demand for strengthening recovery systems ex-ante, promoting interventions and practices leading to resilient recovery, and enhancing the global knowledge resources on recovery. The conference will also build capacity for disaster risk reduction in recovery and reconstruction, including discussion and training on tools and methodologies. WRC3 will build on the first and second World Reconstruction Conferences held in May 2011 and September 2014 which brought together over 500 experts and practitioners from governments, international organizations, NGOs, academia, and the private sector to share their best practices and lessons on recovery and explore the nexus between resilient recovery efforts and sustainable poverty reduction. The overall goal of the WRC3 will be to identify effective and forward-looking approaches to achieve resilient post-crisis recovery in which climate and disaster risk reduction, fragility and conflict considerations are mainstreamed.